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About the Library

Library policies, services, and collections

Collection Development and Maintenance

The purpose of the library’s collections is to provide students with the resources they need to support their assignments, courses, and programs; to develop the research and information literacy skills they need to succeed in the work place or in further educational attainment; to expand their understanding and awareness of cultures and environments; and to meet the college mission and goals.  Our primary objective in collection development is to provide resources that support the instructional programs of the college, as well as materials that enhance lifelong learning and promote the general welfare of the community, enrich awareness and understanding of diversity, and respond to local needs and interests. 

Library Collections

The library has a number of different collections with different types of materials.

  • General Collection - the majority of the library's materials are part of the general collection, and are shelved in order by call number on the main shelves at both the Eureka and Del Norte libraries.  Books in the general collection include most nonfiction as well as some fiction titles, particularly those that are part of course reading lists.
  • Reference Collection - reference materials are primarily used to look up answers to specific questions, and are shelved in call number order near the reference desk in the library.  These materials cannot be taken out of the library.
  • Fiction Collection - award-winning or critically acclaimed fiction in a variety of genres, including graphic novels, anthologies, and other works.  These materials are shelved in alphabetical order by author, near the library's reading area.
  • Browsing Collection - these are materials selected as casual reading, including both fiction and non-fiction.  Primarily paperbacks, they cover a wide range of subjects, including genres such as science fiction, westerns, and romance.

Other library collections include Media, Reserves, and Oversize materials. 

Gifts & Donations

The library accepts cash donations through the Foundation. Checks can be made out to "College of the Redwoods" with "Library" in the notes or memo field. Gifts of library materials such as books or DVDs can be dropped off anytime that the library is open. If you have a lot of heavy boxes of books to donate, call the library to arrange pick up at the staff entrance where you can back your vehicle up to the door. We don't have any way to pick up donations at your location.

We ask donors to fill out a gift receipt. You can write off the donation on your taxes. Donations are reported to the Board of Trustees, and we keep data on the number and type of donations received. Donations show support for the library and the college.

Once items are donated, they become library and college property. The librarians will assess the items and decide whether to add them to the collection or not; if not added, items can be sold at the annual library book sale, with proceeds used to purchase new books and other materials. 

Selection and Acquisition Guidelines

Our primary consideration is acquiring materials that support the instructional programs of the college.  Instructional programs in this context include courses and subjects required for transfer pathways, General Education, certificates, and degrees. We are looking for materials and resources that enrich and support the curriculum; stimulate growth in factual knowledge; objectively present all reasonable sides of controversial issues; enable students to make intelligent judgments in their daily lives; are representative of religious, ethnic, and cultural diversity; explain or illustrate opposing sides in order to develop the practice of critical reading and thinking; and include all appropriate media and formats.

The following criteria are applied to the selection of materials for the library:

  • anticipated use, relevance or connection to courses and programs
  • accuracy and authority
  • scope and level of treatment
  • literary merit, award or prize winning sources
  • formats usable and accessible with existing college technology or tools
  • timeliness of publication
  • cost

Reprints, duplicate copies of items already in the collection, condensed books, and adopted textbooks are usually not added to the general collection. Recommendations for purchase of library materials can be forwarded to the library via email or campus mail. 

Weeding & Book Sale

The library collection is assessed on a regular cycle, and books no longer wanted in the collection are "weeded" or removed from the collection. Books are assessed against the criteria below to see if they are "MUSTIE". However, if a faculty states the book should remain in the collection (or be replaced with a newer edition) the library will in most cases honor that request. Subject faculty may be contacted prior to weeding to ensure nothing useful is removed from the collection.

M = Misleading, factually inaccurate
U = Ugly, dirty, moldy, worn or damaged

S = Superseded by a new edition or a better book

T = Trivial, of no discernible academic or scientific merit

I = Irrelevant to the needs and interests of the library's community

E = Elsewhere available, from another library or on the internet

The Library holds book sales regularly, following appropriate District policies, to dispose of books that have been withdrawn from its collection.