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About the Library

Library policies, services, and collections

Course Reserves

The library has a collection of textbooks on reserve for use by CR students. They can be checked out from the circulation desk of the library during our open hours.  Although we have many textbooks, we do not have copies of every textbook used at CR.

  • A limited number of textbooks for certain courses are available for checkout for the entire term.

Finding Your Book:

You can check to see if your textbook is in the reserve collection. Use the OneSearch box below and enter the title of the text.
Limit your search using the options on the left to "CR Books and Videos" and "Held by Library".
If we have copies on reserve, they will show up with a note that they are located in the Reserve collection (see the example below):



Enter the title of your textbook in the box below:

One Search Logo



Reserve Equipment

In addition to textbooks, the library's reserve collection includes certain equipment needed for courses. These items are available on a first-come, first-served basis. In many cases, they can be checked out for use at home for the duration of the semester.


Returning Reserve Items

Returning Reserve Items:

Books and videos may be returned in the library book return located to the right of the LRC foyer. A second book return is also located in the lower parking lot. If items are returned by mail, postage is the responsibility of the student. 
Computers, keyboards, calculators, and other equipment must be returned directly to library staff.  Do not return in the book drop or you may be charged if they are damaged!