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About the Library

Library policies, services, and collections


Internet access via networked computers or wireless is available for students and staff at the Eureka and Del Norte Campus Libraries. On the Eureka Campus, wireless access extends through the LRC building, including the hallway and food-friendly foyer. All Internet and computer users in the Library, or in any part of the LRC, are subject to the same rules and restrictions and receive the same privileges.

Hardware and Software


Over 60 Windows workstations are available in the library. All workstations have the following:

  • Microsoft Office applications
  • Chrome
  • Firefox
  • Adobe Photoshop

12 workstations are equipped with Epson scanners

Networked printing (see Printing & Copying tab)

Laptops with webcams are available for in-library use and can be checked out from the Circulation Desk.

Computer Use Guidelines

All persons using computers in the LRC must comply with the College's policy on computer, Internet, and E-mail use, AP 3720.

A summary of the main points is listed below.

  • E-mail is not private. Some E-mail is illegal. Illegal E-mail is prohibited.
  • CR Internet access and E-mail may not be used for personal, political, or commercial purposes. CR Internet access and E-mail are provided for educational purposes only.
  • In the case of limited resources, such as a limited number of computers in a library where students are waiting, educational purposes must always be given precedence over personal use.
  • Viewing adult sites is forbidden. Violation of this rule may cause the violator to be banned from the LRC.
  • Copying, tampering with, or installing any software is forbidden.

We ask that any problems with the computers be reported to library staff.