Please make sure that your students can access the Library from within your Canvas shell!
The course navigation links on the left side of the screen contain a link for the Library. Please make sure that link is visible to your students and not hidden! Clicking on the Library link will open a screen that gives your students direct access to searching the library catalog, accessing our databases, getting help from the librarians via chat, information on how to create proper citations, and much more - all without leaving your course.
If you have links to library databases, eBooks, or videos in your Canvas classes, you may have to update the links with the new prefix. The instructions are in the following document.
Articles from many of our library databases can easily be embedded into Canvas as links that will point your students to readings you want them to use. However, you can't just cut-and-paste the URL from the top of your browser window! In order to give your students access to the readings you will need to identify the permalink for the article, and use that as the link you provide in Canvas. The permalink will allow students to access the article by sending them through the Library's proxy server so they are recognized as authorized to access the article. See the instructions below for how this works in our EBSCO databases, including Academic Search Complete.
Using sections of e-Books
If you have a chapter or other section of an electronic book in our catalog that you want to link to your course, you can do that in a similar way to database articles.
Streaming Media
The library subscribes to two streaming media databases, Films on Demand and Academic Video Online (AVON). Both have thousands of different titles, and content is closed-captioned and accessible. Instructions for downloading videos are below. For more detailed information about using videos in your course, click on the Videos tab to the left.
It's even possible to embed material from the library's research guides directly into your Canvas course.
You need to start by deciding if you want to import an entire guide, or if you want a single page from a guide, or even just a single box from that page. We have over 60 different Research Guides on a variety of subjects, and additional guides with information on using the library and its resources such as our popular How to Do Research guide.
In certain cases, it may be possible for library faculty to work with an instructor to develop a page of resources selected specifically for a particular course. These can be tailored to include websites, embedded video clips, instructions for using a certain database or online resource, research tips for locating information on particular topics, etc. A course-specific page can be added to a discipline specific guide. For example, the research guide for Communications & Mass Media includes pages specific to "interpersonal communication" and "intercultural communication".
Once you have identified which guide, or which specific part of a guide, you want to use in your course, use the directions in the handout below to import it into Canvas.