You can get help with your research, even when you can't come to campus!
Use the icon above to contact a reference librarian by chat or email.
If chat is not available at the moment, email, and a librarian will respond as quickly as possible. Please allow at least 48 hours for responses to emails!
If your students report having difficulty finding adequate relevant and reliable information for their research topics, refer them to the library to consult with a reference librarian. We can then help the student find suitable sources that meet the assignment requirements, OR, verify if there truly is very little or no information. This is very rare, but it does occur. Librarians can also then help students modify their topic and/or find a topic that has an adequate scope. We want to help your students succeed.
There are a lot of tricks that can make using library resources easier. We're happy to help you learn how to:
Just give us a call or send an email and let us know what you need!