Many useful resources are available in the College of the Redwoods Library, including books, reference books, eBooks, and videos. Additional resources may be available at the Del Norte or Humboldt County Libraries and Cal Poly Humboldt Library. Visit those libraries' websites to search their catalogs. Use OneSearch to find books and other resources about your topic in the CR library and selected, college-level resources on the web.
E-books are available to you whether you are on or off campus. They are easily located by using the library's OneSearch catalog system. To locate e-books on this topic, enter the title of one of the books listed here or use some of the suggested search words to identify other books of interest, and then limit your results to items that are "available" online.
Here are some suggested titles for Native American studies and research ideas:
Circulating DVDs are located on the shelves beside the Reference Desk. They can be checked out.
E77.F596 2004 500 Nations Discs 1-4 (EU and DN)
E98.G18 C24 2005 California's lost tribes (EU)
E98.L3 S22 1977 American Indian's Sacred Ground (EU)
Library of Congress Subject Headings are the call numbers used at College of the Redwoods. The
Dewey Decimal Classification system is used at the Humboldt County Public Library and most other public libraries.
Use the suggested search words or any words relating to your topic, use the suggested call number ranges to browse for titles of interest, or consult the list of recommended books below.
Call number range: E 50 - 100 covers the history of the North American continent, from prehistory to current, with books on the various tribes in order by region, state, or tribal group.
Be sure to also check in the Oversize collection, these are larger books that require a larger shelf. Books with large illustrations, charts, and diagrams are more likely to be oversize.
Before diving into a search, consider what words best describe your interest or topic. Consult your textbook, class notes, or assignment guidelines for topic ideas. Correct spelling is important for best search results.
Also try:
Also try:
Combine ethnic group words with topic words, such as students, advertising, business, demographics, economics, health, history, humor, law, medicine, military, music, poetry, politics, religion, soldiers, sports, statistics, theater, traditions, women, etc.
Some search words for local tribes are listed below.
Books and resources at other libraries
Humboldt County Library Any Humboldt County resident can get a free public library card. Use your HCL library card number as your password.
Humboldt County Library uses the dewey decimal system call numbers and 900's include American Indians.
Humboldt State University Library
HSU Library uses the same call numbering system as CR Library.To get an HSU library card, if you are not enrolled as an HSU student or employed by HSU, you must pay a fee.