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Agriculture, Plant & Animal Science

Here you will find library and internet resources for research on topics and issues in Agriculture, Plant & Animal Science


“Why should not the horticulturalist know just how to build up size, flavor, vigor and hardiness in his fruits and shrubs, and the florist know just how to proceed to unite, blend, and perfect the color of his flowers, producing not only harmony, but a glorious symphony of nature’s daintiest tints and shades, with just as much certainty as the artist mixes his pigments upon the palette, and the novice go on with his new creations until nature refuses to indulge him longer?”

George Washington Carver,

Plants as Modified by Man [Bachelor’s Thesis, 1894]


Agriculture (noun):

"The science, art, or practice of cultivating the soil, producing crops, and raising livestock and in varying degrees the preparation and marketing of the resulting products."

(Merriam-Webster Dictionary,


CR offers degrees and certificates in Agriculture, Plant and Animal Science. Programs in this field provide general and specific education opportunities for students seeking careers related to agriculture, agriculture business and plant and animal science.  For more information about degrees and courses, please visit the Agriculture Department website.

Searching for Information

When you're working on a research project, you need to use terms that relate to your topic to find information sources - but you also need to be flexible.  Combining multiple terms will help you find sources that are more closely focused on your specific topic. 

These are some useful terms to use for a research project in Agriculture. Of course, other terms may be useful as well. Use specific words, but only use one or two word phrases - not whole sentences! Try both plural and singular forms, and try varying combinations.

  • Agribusiness
  • Agriculture
  • Animal husbandry or Animal science
  • Aquaculture
  • Biotechnology
  • Botany
  • Breeding
  • Dry Farming
  • Farmers markets
  • Farm business
  • Farming, Farms, Family Farms
  • Fertilizer
  • Fish Farming
  • Forestry
  • Fruits, Fruit Trees
  • Genetically modified organisms
  • Harvesting methods
  • Herbs
  • Horticulture
  • Land use
  • Landscape Design
  • Livestock
  • Organic farming

  • Permaculture
  • Pesticides
  • Poultry
  • Seeds, Seeding, Seed technology
  • Soils, Potting Soil, Soil science
  • Sustainable agriculture
  • Water, Irrigation, Drought, Drainage
  • Weeds, Weed control
  • Vermiculture

The search terms listed above can be used in Google, but you'll find more reliable and authoritative sources searching either in the library's OneSearch Catalog or in Credo Reference, an online collection of reference and research sources.  Use the box below to access Credo's Agriculture resources (you may be asked to login) or find OneSearch on the Library Materials tab in this guide.

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