Business Source Elite
Full text for over 1,000 business publications dating back to 1985, and 10,100 substantial company profiles from MarketLine. Use Firefox or Chrome.
Best Bet
Country profiles, geography, cultural, social, political, & economic, links to local news feeds, and interactive data sets
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Best Bet
Learning Express PrepSTEP
Improve your computer skills, practice for vocational or placement tests, and work on basic college readiness with self-paced tutorials and quizzes. Requires students to create an individual account on the Learning Express site to save and return to results.
Best Bet
Newspaper Source Plus
Full-text from 860 newspapers, with 35 million full-text articles, and 857,000 television and radio news program transcripts. Use Firefox or Chrome.
You may be prompted to login with your WebAdvisor user ID and eight digit birth date
Additional Databases
Academic Search Complete
Full text articles from over 2,100 academic research journals dating back to 1985, many are peer reviewed. Use Firefox or Chrome.
Films On Demand
Streaming video collection with over 19,000 full length videos and 250,000 clips, selected for quality and relevance to college level study. You may be prompted to login with your WebAdvisor user ID and eight digit birth date.
Global Road Warrior
In-depth information on 175 countries featuring culture & society; business experience; negotiating; women in culture; women in business; greetings & courtesies; languages; music; education. Includes text, data, maps, graphics, and videos.
Statistical Abstract of the United States
Find current and historical data from over 600,000 tables on thousands of different topics, produced by U.S. Federal agencies, states, private organizations, and major intergovernmental organizations, easily accessible by searching or use the subject outline.