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Communication & Mass Media

The library offers this guide to resources as a way to support student understanding and awareness of the history, study, and contributions in the field of speech or communication and mass media studies.

Searching for Library Materials

Library Materials

Many useful resources are available in the College of the Redwoods Library, including books, reference books, eBooks, and videos. Additional resources may be available at the Del Norte or Humboldt County Libraries and Cal Poly Humboldt Library. Visit those libraries' websites to search their catalogs. Use OneSearch to find books and other resources about your topic in the CR library and selected, college-level resources on the web.

One Search Logo

Credo Reference

Credo Reference is an extensive online collection of reference materials and resources available to CR students and staff.  While Credo covers hundreds of different subjects, entering search terms into the box below will selectively search Credo's resources in Communication and Media. (CR students and staff only)

Credo Logo

General Information about Communication

Selected Books and eBooks

Videos, Streaming and on DVDs

DVDs are videos in physical format, you need to visit the library to access them. DVDs can be borrowed for one week, or you can view them on the computers in the library. Use your own earbuds or borrow a set of headphones from the library. 

Streaming videos are online and can be viewed on any device with internet access. From off-campus computers or wireless devices, you will be prompted to enter your WebAdvisor user ID and eight digit birth date.

From Other Libraries

The CR Library isn't your only option for locating books.  Both Humboldt and Del Norte Counties have public libraries that are open to any resident in their county. You will need to show proper identification to get a FREE library card; no I.D. is necessary to use materials in the library.  In addition, CR students can borrow books from Humboldt State University's library. (You will need to show a CR Student ID card, which you can obtain from Student Services.)