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World History

Here you will find library and internet resources for research on topics and issues in World History

World History: 1500 CE- Present

An overview of world history from 1500CE to the present. The cultures, politics, religions, and economic development of societies and civilizations throughout the world are examined. Particular attention is paid to the effects of colonialism and nationalism on the world stage, and the periodic crises that reshaped the links among societies and within civilizations.

Call Numbers

Library of Congress Subject Headings are the call numbers used at College of the Redwoods, and Colleges and Universities across the country. Dewey decimal is used at public libraries, including Humboldt Public Library. 

Using the history related search words or any words relating to your topic, use the suggested call number ranges to browse for titles of interest, or consult the list of recommended books to the right.

Suggested call number ranges for browsing:

Library of Congress:

D: General History

DA: Great Britain

DAW: Central Europe

DB: Austria - Liechtenstein - Hungary - Czechoslovakia

DC: France - Andorra - Monaco

DD: Germany

DS: Asia


E: America/ United States

F 201-3799: Latin America. Spanish America

Dewey Decimal:


920: Biography & genealogy

940: History of Europe

950: History of Asia

960: History of Africa

970:History of North America

980:History of South America

990:History of other areas

Also try searching with these keywords and research topics:

Age of Ideologies

Cold War

Cultural Change


European Monarchies and Absolutism

French Revolution


Imperialism and Colonialism

Industrial Revolution

Mass Politics

Modern Industry


The New Science

World War I

World War II

Journals and online databases for history

When looking for historical research use the full text of these periodicals that can be found in the online databases listed in parentheses:

Civil War Times  (Academic Search Premier)

History & Theory (Academic Search Premier)

History Today (MasterFILE Premier)

Historian (America: History and Life)

Naval History (Academic Search Premier)

United States Census Bureau 

Or use a keyword or subject search in one of these databases, available at the College of the Redwoods Library Database page.

Full text for more than 2,100 academic research journal dating back to 1985, many are peer reviewed. General, multiple subjects.

History and culture of the United States and Canada, from prehistory to the present. With full-text of more than 200 journals and nearly 100 books, from 1955 to present

General multiple-subject encyclopedia, audio, video, and image files, links to college-level, quality websites.

Country profiles, geography, cultural, social, political, & economic, interactive data sets, and links to local news feeds.

Credo Reference Thumbnail

Credo is an easy-to-use tool for research projects and homework. Search in hundreds of encyclopedias, dictionaries, thesauri, quotations, and subject-specific titles, as well as 200,000+ images and audio files, nearly 200 videos. Credo also provides links to relevant materials from the library's other resources listed on this page.

Find historical to current decade statistics of the USA on a wide range of subjects. Historical context is provided in introductory essays by recognized experts.

Full text for 300 journals and periodicals with current news pertaining to all branches of the military and government.

Circulating and General Circulation Books


Rescources available at Del Norte Education Center Library

Students and faculty at the Del Norte Educational Center in Crescent City can access the same resources and services available to Eureka Campus students. Books from Eureka can be requested and delivered to Del Norte, and vice versa. Online resources are set up to be accessible to all students from any location at any time. Use your Student I.D. number as your password.

Online and E-books

To access College of the Redwood’s E-books go to the Library home page and choose “E-books” next to the links on the left used for refining and searching.  They can also be accessed by using the catalog. Search by title to find the books listed here, or use the suggested search words to look for other books of interest. Here are some suggested titles for historical research ideas:

Reference books for use in the Library

Other Libraries

Books and resources at other libraries

Humboldt County Library

Any Humboldt County resident can get a free public library card. Use your HCL library card number as your password.

900-999 is the general call number range for History in the Dewey Decimal System used in public libraries. Public library books will usually focus on interests of consumers or hobbyists, rather than academic or professional. Some selected titles are listed below.

EUR Non-Fiction    959.604 BRINKLEY     Cambodia's curse : the modern history of a troubled land

EUR Non-Fiction     944 KEDWARD           France and the French : a modern history


The Humboldt County Library has the Humboldt Room on the 3rd floor that houses historic files, books, and information specific to Humboldt County. These reference items are used in the library only.


Humboldt State University Library

HSU Library uses the same call numbering system as CR Library; see suggested call number ranges for browsing listed. The HSU Library has a handy history research guide page for expanding your history research. The library has a special collections housed on the 3rd floor called the Humboldt Room

To get an HSU library card, if you are not enrolled or employed by HSU, you must pay a fee. You can get access for a day to use the collections or computer.

The following are examples of history titles from the collections at Humboldt State University Library:

DS79.65 .M33 2004 The Modern History of Iraq

DS881.9 .G66 2003 The Modern History of Japan : From Tokugawa Times to the Present

HV22 .C59 2003 Colonialism : An International, Social, Cultural, and Political Encyclopedia

HF1455 .H782 2003 Super Imperialism : The Origin and Fundamentals of U.S. World Dominance