You can get help with your research, even when you can't come to campus!
Use the icon above to contact a reference librarian by chat or email.
If chat is not available at the moment, email, and a librarian will respond as quickly as possible. Please allow at least 48 hours for responses to emails!
Many useful resources are available in the College of the Redwoods Library, including books, reference books, eBooks, and videos. Additional resources may be available at the Del Norte or Humboldt County Libraries and Cal Poly Humboldt Library. Visit those libraries' websites to search their catalogs. Use OneSearch to find books and other resources about your topic in the CR library and selected, college-level resources on the web.
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Credo Reference is an extensive online collection of reference materials and resources available to CR students and staff. In this guide, you will find many links that pull directly from Credo's resources. However, you can also search Credo directly by typing your research terms in the box below.
Print books in the General and Oversize Book collections can be borrowed for three weeks and renewed for another three weeks. Books are filed in alpha-number order on the shelves by call number. Ask for help if you can't find the book.
E-books are listed in OneSearch along with the library's printed books, and can be used for research exactly the same way you would use a traditional book. You can limit your search to e-books by selecting "book" as the resource type, and selecting availability of "online". Most e-books allow you to print or download a certain number of pages to your device, but how many varies from one publisher to another. You may be asked to log in using your student ID number to read an e-book.
Please keep in mind that this is only a partial selection of the books available in OneSearch! In addition, you can look on the other tabs of this guide to find titles focusing on specific issues relating to LGBTQI individuals.
College of the Redwoods Library Call Numbers Books in College of the Redwoods library are filed by the Library of Congress system that uses letter-number combinations assigned by subject, so that most books about the same subject will be filed together on the shelf. HSU Library uses this same system, and so do most colleges and universities in the United States. Browse the titles on the shelf in the sections listed below for relevant research topics.
BF692-692.5 Psychology of sex. Sexual behavior
HQ12-449 Sexual life
HQ73-77.9 LGBTQ
HQ1075-1075.5 Sex role; Gender Role
K670-709 Civil Law. Domestic relations. Family law. Marriage.
UB 418 Gays in military
Humboldt County Library Call Numbers Most County, or public libraries in the United States will use the Dewey Decimal system, which uses numbers, and each number section represents a subject, so that books about the same subject are filed together on the shelf. Below are listed some number sections that may be helpful. Remember to also check the Juvenile or children's collection, the YA or Young Adult collection and the Reference collection.
306.766 Homosexuality
323.3264 Political equality
395.22 Same sex marriage
Reference materials have detailed information about various topics. They are useful for finding background information or additional materials on your topic. Physical reference materials must be used in the library, but online reference materials have borrowing privileges similar to eBooks.
DVDs are located on the shelves beside the Reference Desk. They can be checked out.