You can get help with your research, even when you can't come to campus!
Use the icon above to contact a reference librarian by chat or email.
If chat is not available at the moment, email, and a librarian will respond as quickly as possible. Please allow at least 48 hours for responses to emails!
Go to College of the Redwoods Library's A to Z list of databases (link below) to choose your database. Read the database description to choose the best database for your research project, or use one of the selection tools at the top of the page. Then, click the database name and search. Use one or two words or phrases. Try some of the suggested search words listed in this guide. For off-campus or wireless access, login with your WebAdvisor user ID and eight digit birth date. Listed below are some of the librarian's recommendations for databases useful for this subject.
Print Magazines - CR Library Eureka Campus subscribes to the following print magazines that may be useful or interesting. A few months of back issues are kept, and these may be borrowed.
Electronic or Online Journals - The following journals may be found in the library's online databases. Use the Advanced Search option and select "Source" or "Journal Title" or "Publication Title" to see if that journal is in the database. You can then add subject words to your search to locate articles about your topic that were published in that specific journal. Or, you can read the articles in chronological order to get an idea of what is current scholarship and research on LGBTQI issues.
If you are off campus, or if you are using a wireless device while on campus, you may be prompted to login with your CR email address and password to get into the library's subscription databases or eBooks. Remote login is required to prove that you are a student at College of the Redwoods, because the library pays for student, faculty, and staff access for these resources based on our student enrollment. (Login is not required if you are using a computer connected to the main campus network.)
Full text of newspapers, magazines, journals, and newsletters of ethnic, minority, and Native presses. Includes scholarly content, peer reviewed journals, dissertations, working papers.