You can get help with your research, even when you can't come to campus!
Use the icon above to contact a reference librarian by chat or email.
If chat is not available at the moment, email, and a librarian will respond as quickly as possible. Please allow at least 48 hours for responses to emails!
The CR Library is available for you every day of the year, all day (and night!) We have over 170,000 eBooks that you can access from anywhere with an internet connection, right on your computer, as well as journal articles, databases, videos, and more.
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The library has over 170,000 electronic books and streaming videos available for you to use from on and off campus. To locate these materials in the Library catalog (and save yourself a trip to campus) use the "Advanced Search" feature of the catalog. You'll see a screen with options to Limit your search. By checking "Electronic Book" or "Online Video" before you enter your search terms, you can tell the catalog to only display items you can access online.
Nearly 40 online databases are available around the clock to CR students, including many which provide access to full-text journals and periodicals as well as other resources.
If you are off campus, or if you are using a wireless device while on campus, you may be prompted to login with your CR email address and password to get into the library's subscription databases or eBooks. Remote login is required to prove that you are a student at College of the Redwoods, because the library pays for student, faculty, and staff access for these resources based on our student enrollment. (Login is not required if you are using a computer connected to the main campus network.)