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Please note that the list below is not comprehensive. This are broad topics to help you get started on your project. You will want to refine your topic as you research so it is more focused and manageable. Remember, your project has a due date!
When starting a research project about current topics in Environmental Science try using the following databases to gather preliminary information:
Use these databases to gather preliminary information and gain a deeper understanding of your topic and to start refining it. For example, if your original topic is climate change as you read and learn more you may want to refine it to,
Often the original topic is very broad and needs to be narrowed in scope so that is manageable for you to read and synthesize enough information to be able to write an academic research paper or research project. Sometimes, a topic can be too narrow making it hard to find enough information. In this case, the topic needs to be broadened so that you can find enough information to be able to complete your research project.
For more help with refining or narrowing your topic, check out the next page of this LibGuide, Research in Environmental Science, and scroll down to the last information box.
After you have selected your topic, you will want to refine it and locate peer-reviewed, academic articles for you assignment.
You can also search for scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles using OneSearch, the library's discovery system. Just enter your search terms as usual, and then use the checkboxes on the left to limit your results to "peer reviewed" and "open access".
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