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Environmental Science

Here you will find library and internet resources for research on topics and issues in Environmental Science

American Psychological Association (APA) Format

Basic information about APA format and style for research papers and for citations. Scroll down for models of citations for different types of sources.

What is APA Style?

APA style is set and updated as needed by the American Psychological Association, revised in the 7th edition in October 2019. The library has just acquired this edition but the examples here have not yet been updated and are based on the 6th edition

APA style is used for most courses in the sciences, which may include Biology, Business, Chemistry, Communication & Media Studies, Criminology, Economics, Education, Forestry, Linguistics, Nursing, Psychology, Science, Social Science, Sociology. "Style" includes more than just citation formats. It also covers how to write clearly, how to organize and layout your paper or project, punctuation, word choice, spelling, use of fonts, abbreviations and acronyms, critical thinking and fundamentals of research.

Full Citations: Books

Single Author Book, Print or E-Book

Author, A. A. (Year) Title of book. Publisher. DOI (if available)

Brown, L.S. (2018) Feminist Therapy (2nd ed). American Psychological Association.

Article or Chapter in an Edited Book

Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (Year of publication). Title of chapter. In E. E. Editor & F. F. Editor (Eds.), Title of work: Capital letter also for subtitle (pp. pages of chapter). Publisher. DOI (if available)

Slice, J. (2020). Imposter syndrome and parenting with a disability. In A. Wong (Ed.), Disability visibility: First person stories from the twenty-first century (pp. 129-133). Vintage Books.

Note:  In APA 7th edition, it is no longer necessary to include database information for works obtained from most academic research databases. Note also that the place of publication is no longer required, only the name of the publisher.

Full Citations: Journal Articles, Online Videos, CQ Researcher Reports

Article from a Journal

Author, A. A. (Year). Article title: Include subtitle. Journal Title, vol#(issue#), page#-#. DOI (if available)

Caswell, M., Migoni, A. A., Geraci, N., & Cifor, M. (2017). ‘To Be Able to Imagine Otherwise’: community archives and the importance of representation. Archives & Records, 38(1), 5-26.

CQ Researcher Report

Author, A. A. (Date). Report title: with subtitle or section. Journal Title. Vol#(issue#), pp. #s. DOI or URL

Lemons, J. (2018, March 16). The Fight Over Net Neutrality. CQ Researcher, 28, 245-268.

Online Video
Last Name, F. M. [Username]. (Year, Month Date). Title of video [Video]. Streaming Service. URL

[College of the Redwoods]. 2020, April 29. Using OneSearch on the College of the Redwoods Library Website [Video]. YouTube.