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LGBTQI Americans

The library offers this guide to resources as a way to support student understanding and awareness of history, culture, and contributions of LGBTQI Americans

A Hidden History

Man waving a rainbow Pride flag in front of the Supreme Court. Two police officers stand at some distance behind him.








Image Credit: Ted Eyton.  Licensed CC-BY SA 2.0

Like many other minority groups, LGBTQI people have been part of the history of America since the beginning - but for most of that time, they have been hidden from view.  That has begun to change over the last several decades, however, and there are numerous organizations and resources dedicated to researching and preserving the history of gender-nonconforming and sexual minorities. 

Organizations and Archives

Selected Books and eBooks

The books and eBooks below are all available from the CR Library, and are only a sample of the resources available in OneSearch.  For tips on how to search for more resources, click on the tab for Library Materials.